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Episode 7: knock knock jokes
knock knock jokes
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Rika says...
03.03 - early bird!
I never stay up late anymore so... early comic!
Rika says...
03.03 - Billy vs Snakeman!
If you're not playing yet, what's wrong with you?!

Haaa, just kidding. Nothing's wrong with you. My main character's about to go into season 2 (yay!) and my secondary character's village, Shuumatsu, is growing nicely. It just entered the war! THE NINJA WAR!

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

Pochi says...
02.26 - iSeraphic
If you have an iPod Touch or an iPhone and add Seraphic to your home screen, you'll now get a snazzy special Seraphic icon.
Rika says...
02.19 - mwah!
Not so long a wait for this one, and this ends chapter 6! We are halfway through the storyline, believe it or not. I hope you all decide to stick with me to see what happens from here on, and maybe we'll pick up new people and ones we've sort of lost track of along the way.

I'm determined not to fall back on the old days of no background (ie, white or mysterious gradients) so I hope the effort is appreciated cos it actually takes me a while to do stuff like... a door. Anyway. I'm glad we're moving out of Tolst's office now cos that's really a horrible color to be surrounded by.

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey